There are many classes of drones on the market. There are large military craft, passenger carrying drones, commercial drones for inspection services, professional drones for photography, smaller camera drones, all the way down to some fun toy drones.

Parrot MiniDrone Rolling Spider toy drone

We explore most of these machines on the site, and today is about the small toy-class drones, fun machines for children and adults alike, but basic machines for beginner flight.

Fun toy drones

Syma X5C: Affordable starter drone

The Syma X5C was our first drone, and we think it would serve you well as your first drone as well. It’s affordable, reliable, and just hard enough to fly that you learn to crash safely. Limited range, and limited capabilities limit this to being just a simple beginner’s drone, but that’s a great place to start for any pilot.

Syma X5C

Syma X5C

