The thousand light drones that danced in the Delhi sky and created a variety of images of national symbols during the Beating Retreat ceremony on 29 January 2022 virtually stole the show despite stiff competition from other newly introduced performances like the laser show. It was showcased as signifying the success of the ‘Make in India’ initiative that involved the private sector entity BotLab Dynamics, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, and the Department of Science and Technology.

The run-up to the drone show was accompanied by official statements that India is the fourth country to join the unique club that formerly consisted of the UK, Russia, and China. The attempt was to conflate the indigenous capability that the light drones displayed with India’s military might. The fact is that the capability to conduct light shows through drones vis-a-vis putting drones to military use would tantamount to slanting the narrative of drones in warfare.

Light drone shows are…

