U-space deadline

image: public domain

Among the hot topics in European drone regulation is the upcoming U-space deadline.  European member states are currently directed to have their own U-space areas implemented by January 2023; but as the date rapidly approaches, key decisions still need to be made.  DRONELIFE caught up with friend and UTM expert Amit Ganjoo of ANRA Technologies, supporting both NASA and EASA as a provider of UAM services, to discuss his thoughts on the current discussions.

U-Space Definitions

U-Space is Europe’s concept for managing drone traffic, and U-Space areas would be dynamic areas within which commercial drones could operate.  This bulletin from the European Civil Aviation Conference  gives an excellent summary:

U-space is a set of specific services and procedures designed to ensure safe and efficient access to airspace for a large number of drones, and which are based on high levels of digitalisation and automation.

Those services will be…


Source: dronelife.com