Police drones are transforming how the Lincolnshire Police Department operates because they offer a more efficient and cost-effective way to do jobs that previously needed a helicopter.

Lincolnshire Police in the United Kingdom has a team of 15 drone pilots who have helped save lives and catch wanted criminals in the rural area.

Drones have been used by the police since 2017, and head pilot Kev Taylor told the BBC Radio that the unmanned aircraft continue to progress.

“Helicopters have been doing it for years, and we’ve always had that ability for a helicopter to have a look at a property and say there’s something very unusual going on there,” Mr Taylor said. “But they are an expensive resource and if we can do it cheaper and more efficiently then that’s what we should do.”

Police drones have been used 400 times

400 times in the previous year, the police force had employed drones to assist in…


Source: dronexl.co