Indian drone IdeaForge SWITCHAt last months Commercial UAV Expo, manufacturer IdeaForge introduced to the US market an Indian drone: one that’s been tried and tested across some of the most forbidding terrain in the world, and built to NDAA-compliance standards.  DRONELIFE spoke with IdeaForge’s GM of Marketing Kruthi Aramanamada about the SWITCH long-range, mapping and surveying UAV.

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The IdeaForge SWITCH UAV is a super-light fixed wing, offering a 2 hour flight endurance guarantee.  The drone has a swappable payload including a day payload with 25X zoom capabilities and a thermal imaging night payload.  SWITCH UAV also offers important security features.  IdeaForge doesn’t store any data on the cloud, and there is no data stored on the drone: “the data goes straight from the drone to the pilot,” says Kruthi.  With IdeaForge’s BlueFire Live™ solution, pilots can grant remote users access to control the payload – making the SWITCH UAV ideal…

