Last week Micron announced it is breaking the record for the largest MicroSD card to come to the market. Coming in at 1.5 TB, is Micron’s new microSD card the best option for all-day drone storage?

We all hate it when it happens. You spend the night before or morning of charging batteries and packing up your drones, ensuring you have a spare everything and you don’t miss a single important piece of equipment. Then, finally, you make the drive out to the location you’ve been planning to capture for some time and take flight. Then it happens, not enough space on your SD card and of all the duplicate gear you brought you somehow forgot your SD case.

If you’re a professional juggler of 32 or 64 GB microSD cards, Micron may help you. The company just came out with the all-new 1.5 TB i400 microSD card, and while tailored toward automotive or video surveillance, it might just be a solution for some of you drone pilots out there.

Having that much capacity at…

