Getting into drone racing can be exhilarating, but the barrier to entry can be daunting, you need a good racing drone, for starters. For those that are not quite ready to buy professional gear, just want to try out a hobby racer and see about getting started in the sport, let’s explore some inexpensive racing drones.

Walkera Rodeo 110 drones racer CES 2017 2

Our goal today is to stay under a $250 price point, but we may squeeze above a tad, if the machine warrants it.

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Drone legal and safety: Things you need to know before you buy and before you fly

Jonathan Feist, Drone PilotJonathan Feist

Why trust Drone Rush?

I’ve been a fan of flight since a young age; while I’ve had few opportunities at the helm of manned aircraft, the hours on my fleet of drones continue to grow. I enjoy putting cameras into the sky, silky smooth aerial imagery makes me happy. My goal is to help all pilots enjoy flight legally and safely.


Drone racing is a relatively new sport. While it has been fading from the limelight a little lately,…

