Our ever expanding list of drones covers the best machines you can put in the sky. From time to time, these machines will go on sale — There’s no point dragging this out, you want drone deals, here are the top drones for sale right now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are drones so expensive?

There are a number of factors that make drones cost a little more than you might like. For starters, most drones use Lithium-Polymer batteries, instead of the less expensive Lithium-Ion technology. Extra care goes into building your drone, as safety is very important to most manufacturers. Many popular drones use the same camera sensors as you find in the latest smartphones – those phones cost $500 – $1500 to purchase, perhaps it is coincidence that drones cost around the same. As with phones, you can buy something for nearly any price bracket, but the best hardware simply has higher manufacturing costs.

When is the best time to buy a drone?

There are predictable times of the year…


Source: dronerush.com